MacKenzie-Childs’ Position on Inclusion and Diversity

We at MacKenzie-Childs believe in embracing diversity and inclusion. We are committed as a company to social justice through inclusion, diversity, employment opportunities, and the support of all marginalized people. We stand in solidarity with all disadvantaged communities in the fight against systemic bias and racism and support societal change. We stand firmly beside those demanding a more just way forward, recognizing that societal change is critical and extremely urgent and ultimately benefits all. We recognize and accept that we must do better in combating racial injustices when we see them, and we will seize the opportunity to make a difference. We recognize that we must act and do more to make a meaningful impact on the lives of those who have been unfairly held back and persecuted. We are far from where we need to be—we must and will do better.


To this end, our leadership team will routinely discuss our shortcomings, educate our management teams and associates, and develop realistic action plans to support the causes and people that need help. We believe everyone has a right to live safely and have equal opportunity to better themselves, their families, communities, and society. As the plans and commitments are developed as an organization, we will publish them to ensure transparency and accountability.


John J. Ling – Chief Executive Officer
Rebecca Proctor – Chief Brand Officer and Creative Director